all postcodes in CA24 / MOOR ROW

find any address or company within the CA24 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA24 3LB 4 0 54.512019 -3.549428
CA24 3LD 12 0 54.509359 -3.561251
CA24 3LE 1 0 54.520832 -3.542762
CA24 3LF 1 0 54.511932 -3.533684
CA24 3LG 13 0 54.513501 -3.541096
CA24 3LH 21 0 54.515536 -3.537279
CA24 3LJ 19 0 54.516076 -3.535786
CA24 3LP 5 0 54.512239 -3.539256
CA24 3LQ 42 0 54.512862 -3.539758
CA24 3TP 9 9 54.518833 -3.555618
CA24 3LS 22 0 54.512451 -3.540917
CA24 3HY 8 54.520416 -3.549993
CA24 3HX 4 54.519635 -3.546379
CA24 3HW 2 54.519451 -3.548134
CA24 3HU 1 54.51699 -3.551516
CA24 3HA 1 54.521528 -3.54523
CA24 3LT 4 0 54.515251 -3.544854