all postcodes in CA26 / FRIZINGTON

find any address or company within the CA26 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA26 3RE 5 0 54.535078 -3.494073
CA26 3RU 10 0 54.541742 -3.498042
CA26 3RW 23 0 54.541032 -3.497382
CA26 3SA 29 2 54.541512 -3.494184
CA26 3SB 39 2 54.541336 -3.493884
CA26 3SD 28 0 54.540041 -3.49393
CA26 3SE 38 0 54.540363 -3.491824
CA26 3SF 10 0 54.540369 -3.492813
CA26 3SG 32 0 54.540841 -3.492444
CA26 3SH 49 2 54.541589 -3.495192
CA26 3SJ 8 0 54.541391 -3.496669
CA26 3SL 13 0 54.542604 -3.498908
CA26 3SN 6 1 54.540005 -3.495366
CA26 3SP 21 0 54.538859 -3.49503
CA26 3SQ 30 1 54.540794 -3.496245
CA26 3SR 3 0 54.538804 -3.495106
CA26 3SS 12 2 54.538422 -3.496174
CA26 3ST 1 0 54.538248 -3.49643
CA26 3SU 6 0 54.536866 -3.498451
CA26 3TA 65 0 54.537761 -3.510323