all postcodes in CA28 / WHITEHAVEN

find any address or company within the CA28 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA28 9BB 24 0 54.537079 -3.596994
CA28 9BD 24 0 54.535859 -3.597488
CA28 9BE 20 0 54.535978 -3.598018
CA28 9BG 1 1 54.543016 -3.59783
CA28 9BS 6 0 54.541752 -3.588768
CA28 9BT 9 0 54.541366 -3.588768
CA28 9BX 8 3 54.541095 -3.588216
CA28 9BZ 3 3 54.540721 -3.58797
CA28 9DA 1 1 54.540819 -3.588747
CA28 9DB 3 0 54.54128 -3.588425
CA28 9DD 4 4 54.54012 -3.586478
CA28 9DF 1 0 54.541856 -3.587087
CA28 9DL 10 10 54.543442 -3.590766
CA28 9DP 1 1 54.541261 -3.589985
CA28 9DR 5 1 54.542194 -3.589419
CA28 9DS 2 1 54.540973 -3.589882
CA28 9DT 52 1 54.538597 -3.590948
CA28 9DU 7 0 54.53662 -3.592278
CA28 9DX 11 0 54.536866 -3.593385
CA28 9EA 32 0 54.539373 -3.592694