all postcodes in CA3 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA3 8EL 1 1 54.893521 -2.933804
CA3 8EN 1 1 54.893155 -2.933468
CA3 8EP 2 2 54.893594 -2.933681
CA3 8EQ 4 3 54.894328 -2.933732
CA3 8ES 10 7 54.892714 -2.93329
CA3 8EU 6 3 54.893632 -2.934278
CA3 8EZ 1 1 54.892001 -2.93608
CA3 8GT 1 1 54.890566 -2.943795
CA3 8HB 1 1 54.892926 -2.935271
CA3 8HE 1 1 54.893673 -2.93401
CA3 8HG 8 4 54.893875 -2.934591
CA3 8HJ 12 9 54.89394 -2.934004
CA3 8HP 7 4 54.892999 -2.935054
CA3 8HS 4 3 54.893364 -2.935515
CA3 8HU 1 1 54.89388 -2.93626
CA3 8HX 4 4 54.894389 -2.936416
CA3 8HZ 1 1 54.894361 -2.936817
CA3 8JA 3 2 54.894593 -2.936962
CA3 8JE 6 5 54.894884 -2.936548
CA3 8JF 6 5 54.894799 -2.935891