all postcodes in CA3 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA3 0NP 23 0 54.92629 -2.921596
CA3 0NR 3 0 54.925287 -2.92229
CA3 0NS 31 0 54.926155 -2.922763
CA3 0NT 25 0 54.925068 -2.92046
CA3 0NU 29 0 54.924374 -2.921462
CA3 0NW 24 0 54.927224 -2.922881
CA3 0NX 9 0 54.924941 -2.922953
CA3 0PA 2 2 54.924242 -2.923534
CA3 0PB 32 0 54.917503 -2.937467
CA3 0PD 37 0 54.918014 -2.938006
CA3 0PE 7 0 54.915871 -2.938162
CA3 0PF 80 0 54.915389 -2.936978
CA3 0PJ 13 12 54.925493 -2.955032
CA3 0PP 1 1 54.923664 -2.959046
CA3 0PS 18 0 54.912068 -2.953654
CA3 0PT 9 0 54.912741 -2.952409
CA3 0PU 10 0 54.912711 -2.951566
CA3 0PW 37 0 54.914573 -2.944774
CA3 0PX 12 0 54.913154 -2.95045
CA3 0PY 31 0 54.913772 -2.951529