all postcodes in CA3 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA3 0LU 36 0 54.920975 -2.918217
CA3 8AG 6 4 54.894045 -2.936657
CA3 8AH 1 1 54.892662 -2.935331
CA3 8AJ 2 2 54.892517 -2.935483
CA3 8AN 10 9 54.892114 -2.935396
CA3 8AQ 3 3 54.893435 -2.936889
CA3 8AU 8 5 54.892194 -2.936599
CA3 8BB 1 1 54.895635 -2.941387
CA3 8DA 19 18 54.893323 -2.932754
CA3 8DB 1 1 54.893107 -2.932718
CA3 8DG 9 5 54.894752 -2.932725
CA3 8DH 11 9 54.894261 -2.933123
CA3 8DP 14 8 54.895239 -2.933317
CA3 8DR 1 1 54.896429 -2.9332
CA3 8DU 1 1 54.895528 -2.938185
CA3 8DX 1 1 54.896912 -2.933414
CA3 8DY 1 1 54.895528 -2.938185
CA3 8ED 8 4 54.895396 -2.933897
CA3 8EE 1 1 54.893155 -2.933468
CA3 8EF 2 2 54.894678 -2.933803