all postcodes in CA4 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA4 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA4 0LF 5 0 54.807996 -2.8707
CA4 0LD 2 0 54.805545 -2.86628
CA4 0LE 9 0 54.803948 -2.863721
CA4 0LG 1 0 54.814067 -2.873725
CA4 0LH 2 0 54.819631 -2.883281
CA4 0LJ 1 0 54.815598 -2.890704
CA4 0LL 5 0 54.79919 -2.85928
CA4 0LN 8 0 54.794496 -2.863457
CA4 0LQ 3 0 54.815222 -2.877863
CA4 0LR 10 0 54.790317 -2.873446
CA4 0LS 5 1 54.781385 -2.870874
CA4 0LT 3 0 54.785721 -2.863757
CA4 0LU 3 0 54.78305 -2.854055
CA4 0LX 5 0 54.784284 -2.846948
CA4 0LY 2 0 54.778043 -2.841143
CA4 0NA 3 0 54.774005 -2.850926
CA4 0NB 9 1 54.775282 -2.877179
CA4 0ND 2 0 54.768261 -2.881057
CA4 0NF 2 0 54.768329 -2.88653
CA4 0NG 13 0 54.77053 -2.892963