all postcodes in CA4 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA4 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA4 8DG 12 0 54.876121 -2.869971
CA4 8DH 17 0 54.865675 -2.859104
CA4 8DJ 26 1 54.868152 -2.853189
CA4 8ER 41 0 54.867681 -2.855972
CA4 8DL 20 1 54.866296 -2.862685
CA4 8DP 1 0 54.871409 -2.869137
CA4 8DR 15 0 54.866452 -2.860792
CA4 8DS 7 0 54.866176 -2.85938
CA4 8DT 10 0 54.864719 -2.860782
CA4 8DU 20 1 54.86586 -2.85288
CA4 8DX 8 0 54.866464 -2.85389
CA4 8DY 6 0 54.867638 -2.85349
CA4 8DZ 4 0 54.869142 -2.852606
CA4 8EA 2 0 54.867269 -2.853206
CA4 8EB 1 0 54.878503 -2.854717
CA4 8ED 2 0 54.882003 -2.857647
CA4 8EE 2 0 54.886766 -2.860457
CA4 8EF 3 0 54.887613 -2.868987
CA4 8EG 7 0 54.888195 -2.868048
CA4 8EH 21 0 54.887438 -2.872101