all postcodes in CA6 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA6 5PN 5 0 55.058108 -2.923526
CA6 5PP 2 0 55.068197 -2.919847
CA6 5PQ 7 0 55.053688 -2.925819
CA6 5PR 9 0 55.035397 -2.945647
CA6 5PS 18 1 55.009191 -2.973627
CA6 5PT 19 0 55.008391 -2.974298
CA6 5PU 37 0 55.00836 -2.973028
CA6 5PW 5 0 55.065064 -2.923452
CA6 5PX 8 0 55.044586 -2.908848
CA6 5PY 2 0 55.059994 -2.908871
CA6 5PZ 1 0 55.060064 -2.913883
CA6 5QA 2 0 55.066326 -2.902062
CA6 5QB 9 2 55.077298 -2.88929
CA6 5QD 16 1 55.085842 -2.864586
CA6 5QE 2 0 55.093691 -2.850641
CA6 5QF 3 0 55.096113 -2.857665
CA6 5QG 5 0 55.097243 -2.852894
CA6 5QH 8 0 55.105572 -2.840796
CA6 5QJ 6 0 55.11928 -2.822366
CA6 5QL 7 0 55.128374 -2.816465