all postcodes in CA6 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA6 4RB 0 54.926845 -2.865358
CA6 4RD 7 54.920261 -2.966254
CA6 4RE 1 54.940445 -2.973369
CA6 4RF 5 54.937669 -2.95518
CA6 4RH 0 54.91933 -2.910328
CA6 4RR 0 54.91631 -2.895767
CA6 4RS 0 54.916355 -2.893428
CA6 4RT 0 54.916739 -2.893655
CA6 4RW 3 54.937568 -2.992405
CA6 4SE 3 54.924933 -2.969031
CA6 4SG 2 54.926411 -2.968396
CA6 4SH 10 54.931913 -2.964411
CA6 4SJ 11 54.933238 -2.962851
CA6 4SN 5 54.931901 -2.962601
CA6 4SP 1 54.932178 -2.963903
CA6 4SQ 2 54.923707 -2.961172
CA6 4RP 5 5 54.939424 -2.97366
CA6 4AQ 96 0 54.927081 -2.985686
CA6 4SB 1 1 54.919598 -2.961773
CA6 4SL 2 2 54.933929 -2.964054