all postcodes in CA7 / WIGTON

find any address or company within the CA7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA7 0BP 8 0 54.790425 -3.237744
CA7 0BQ 6 0 54.810165 -3.222243
CA7 0BS 1 0 54.8017 -3.243656
CA7 0BT 6 0 54.804457 -3.246279
CA7 0BW 1 0 54.793121 -3.23798
CA7 0BX 1 0 54.80542 -3.253323
CA7 0BY 1 0 54.81316 -3.244412
CA7 0BZ 54 2 54.820474 -3.250692
CA7 0DE 2 0 54.818728 -3.252399
CA7 0DF 6 0 54.819597 -3.253499
CA7 0DG 4 0 54.819738 -3.252319
CA7 0DH 11 1 54.827727 -3.25501
CA7 0DL 12 0 54.831529 -3.23394
CA7 0DP 17 0 54.836708 -3.222749
CA7 0DQ 2 0 54.82233 -3.24644
CA7 0DT 19 0 54.830583 -3.215432
CA7 0DU 3 0 54.836986 -3.211405
CA7 0EA 15 0 54.839909 -3.212037
CA7 0EE 1 0 54.83376 -3.16826
CA7 0EG 2 0 54.829948 -3.180232