all postcodes in CA7 / WIGTON

find any address or company within the CA7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA7 1AA 5 0 54.764985 -3.226241
CA7 1AB 4 0 54.765242 -3.22636
CA7 1AD 5 0 54.760023 -3.213782
CA7 1AE 4 1 54.76101 -3.20859
CA7 1AF 1 0 54.764525 -3.209425
CA7 1AG 5 0 54.765515 -3.215501
CA7 1AH 1 0 54.7679 -3.233013
CA7 1AJ 2 0 54.770319 -3.232638
CA7 1AL 4 0 54.770579 -3.232084
CA7 1AN 16 0 54.772276 -3.233115
CA7 1AQ 2 0 54.771821 -3.219221
CA7 1AW 9 2 54.770107 -3.231665
CA7 1BA 4 3 54.775241 -3.23557
CA7 1BB 10 0 54.775483 -3.233228
CA7 1BD 21 0 54.774538 -3.234272
CA7 1BE 12 0 54.774867 -3.233706
CA7 1BF 7 0 54.77517 -3.232177
CA7 1BG 8 0 54.774587 -3.232998
CA7 1BH 7 0 54.77528 -3.232817
CA7 1BJ 6 0 54.775065 -3.232749