all postcodes in CA7 / WIGTON

find any address or company within the CA7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA7 2BZ 4 0 54.739334 -3.332783
CA7 2DA 4 0 54.73864 -3.332978
CA7 2DB 4 0 54.73813 -3.332805
CA7 2DD 4 1 54.737612 -3.332524
CA7 2DE 7 0 54.737632 -3.330461
CA7 2DF 5 0 54.737587 -3.331452
CA7 2DG 2 0 54.738322 -3.328992
CA7 2DH 2 0 54.73946 -3.330163
CA7 2DJ 3 0 54.738582 -3.328456
CA7 2DL 1 0 54.738274 -3.327886
CA7 2DN 2 0 54.733615 -3.350767
CA7 2DP 2 0 54.733334 -3.351798
CA7 2DQ 4 2 54.738767 -3.328772
CA7 2DR 2 0 54.736837 -3.3592
CA7 2DS 1 0 54.729182 -3.343103
CA7 2DT 2 0 54.733006 -3.357006
CA7 2DU 2 0 54.719851 -3.350341
CA7 2DW 10 0 54.733189 -3.35288
CA7 2ED 66 0 54.762885 -3.306001
CA7 2EE 1 0 54.762813 -3.316615