all postcodes in CA7 / WIGTON

find any address or company within the CA7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA7 4BT 10 4 54.86972 -3.388273
CA7 4BU 26 2 54.869471 -3.387283
CA7 4BW 18 0 54.868954 -3.385317
CA7 4BX 8 0 54.87002 -3.387192
CA7 4BY 24 2 54.870413 -3.386583
CA7 4BZ 19 0 54.870815 -3.387563
CA7 4DA 1 1 54.871408 -3.390731
CA7 4DB 3 0 54.870975 -3.387506
CA7 4DD 6 6 54.872354 -3.384764
CA7 4DE 15 0 54.869929 -3.380972
CA7 4DF 13 0 54.870993 -3.386213
CA7 4DG 38 0 54.870628 -3.384315
CA7 4DH 4 1 54.871508 -3.386745
CA7 4DJ 18 0 54.870229 -3.382213
CA7 4DL 21 0 54.871089 -3.382492
CA7 4DN 10 0 54.870946 -3.383998
CA7 4DP 1 1 54.871045 -3.384781
CA7 4DQ 9 1 54.871376 -3.387239
CA7 4DR 4 1 54.872567 -3.386111
CA7 4DS 8 1 54.872878 -3.386418