all postcodes in CA7 / WIGTON

find any address or company within the CA7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA7 5HG 0 54.85164 -3.264631
CA7 5HJ 0 54.859662 -3.278763
CA7 5HL 0 54.86986 -3.269502
CA7 5HN 0 54.886764 -3.24004
CA7 5HP 19 54.882927 -3.209403
CA7 5HR 1 54.905054 -3.20297
CA7 5HT 1 54.901593 -3.203379
CA7 5HU 0 54.901395 -3.203079
CA7 5HW 1 54.883772 -3.217734
CA7 5HX 1 54.901876 -3.205648
CA7 5HY 0 54.903387 -3.203713
CA7 5HZ 0 54.902465 -3.202097
CA7 5JB 1 54.900223 -3.200094
CA7 5JH 5 54.896921 -3.202914
CA7 5JJ 0 54.898354 -3.202505
CA7 5JL 0 54.896704 -3.203064
CA7 5JP 0 54.893071 -3.202379
CA7 5JR 1 54.892898 -3.201965
CA7 5JS 0 54.894732 -3.203488
CA7 5JT 0 54.893592 -3.203283