all postcodes in CA7 / WIGTON

find any address or company within the CA7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA7 8BD 0 54.831071 -3.064936
CA7 8BE 0 54.826473 -3.058417
CA7 8BG 1 54.83029 -3.053473
CA7 8BH 0 54.833553 -3.052176
CA7 8BJ 0 54.828599 -3.039123
CA7 8BL 0 54.81728 -3.035117
CA7 8BN 0 54.822583 -3.051996
CA7 8BQ 0 54.833239 -3.052106
CA7 8BS 0 54.811227 -3.066032
CA7 8BT 0 54.805629 -3.059848
CA7 8BU 1 54.804265 -3.033551
CA7 8BW 0 54.817197 -3.063699
CA7 8BX 0 54.799313 -3.059636
CA7 8BY 0 54.797684 -3.058602
CA7 8BZ 0 54.797125 -3.054928
CA7 8DA 0 54.788179 -3.060511
CA7 8DB 0 54.798817 -3.067992
CA7 8DD 1 54.802183 -3.071242
CA7 8DG 0 54.801546 -3.074457
CA7 8DH 0 54.776999 -3.082902