all postcodes in CA9 / ALSTON

find any address or company within the CA9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA9 3DE 4 0 54.786157 -2.435157
CA9 3DF 5 0 54.777494 -2.41745
CA9 3DG 5 0 54.77213 -2.401151
CA9 3DH 6 0 54.772676 -2.401592
CA9 3DP 1 0 54.770623 -2.40283
CA9 3DR 2 0 54.769005 -2.397007
CA9 3DS 10 2 54.768256 -2.397808
CA9 3DT 3 0 54.768183 -2.398827
CA9 3DU 10 0 54.768255 -2.398828
CA9 3EB 21 0 54.766149 -2.397206
CA9 3DX 4 0 54.769555 -2.399789
CA9 3DY 10 0 54.768902 -2.398896
CA9 3DZ 4 0 54.767128 -2.397123
CA9 3EA 2 0 54.765321 -2.396754
CA9 3EH 6 0 54.771122 -2.414711
CA9 3EJ 12 0 54.777251 -2.437845
CA9 3EL 20 1 54.788144 -2.45695
CA9 3EN 2 0 54.787571 -2.456032
CA9 3EU 2 0 54.780888 -2.406981
CA9 3EW 1 0 54.771535 -2.393482