all postcodes in CB1 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB1 3BA 1 52.206373 0.148468
CB1 3BB 0 52.201638 0.147097
CB1 3BD 0 52.201905 0.148926
CB1 3BE 5 52.197304 0.148748
CB1 3BH 0 52.200774 0.145374
CB1 3BN 0 52.198274 0.14638
CB1 3BP 0 52.198212 0.147299
CB1 3BQ 0 52.197804 0.145011
CB1 3BS 0 52.201505 0.149682
CB1 3BT 0 52.202066 0.150968
CB1 3BU 0 52.199697 0.148731
CB1 3BW 0 52.200661 0.152041
CB1 3BX 0 52.19823 0.147797
CB1 3BY 0 52.198927 0.149016
CB1 3BZ 0 52.198536 0.149261
CB1 3DA 1 52.198495 0.150546
CB1 3DB 0 52.19822 0.150782
CB1 3DD 0 52.199174 0.150755
CB1 3DE 0 52.197903 0.149962
CB1 3DF 3 52.197136 0.15083