all postcodes in CB11 / SAFFRON WALDEN

find any address or company within the CB11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB11 4PX 0 51.966241 0.131038
CB11 4PY 0 51.963849 0.138014
CB11 4QL 0 51.966272 0.142744
CB11 4QN 0 51.966305 0.145381
CB11 4QP 0 51.965249 0.147034
CB11 4QR 1 51.966822 0.147589
CB11 4QS 4 51.970285 0.153444
CB11 4QT 1 51.973645 0.158515
CB11 4QU 7 51.974867 0.156605
CB11 4QW 0 51.965796 0.144643
CB11 4QX 1 51.974161 0.145538
CB11 4QY 0 51.966988 0.14585
CB11 4RA 1 52.022976 0.238508
CB11 4RL 2 51.977012 0.135129
CB11 4RN 1 51.976448 0.137956
CB11 4RP 0 51.973058 0.130022
CB11 4RR 0 51.974356 0.127898
CB11 4RS 0 51.979866 0.122016
CB11 4RT 5 51.983906 0.115928
CB11 4RU 0 51.991879 0.105979