all postcodes in CB11 / SAFFRON WALDEN

find any address or company within the CB11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB11 3LS 0 51.969869 0.2792
CB11 3LT 0 51.972268 0.289457
CB11 3LU 0 51.969092 0.297419
CB11 3LW 0 51.975523 0.268583
CB11 3LX 1 51.963918 0.298492
CB11 3LY 0 51.96433 0.29949
CB11 3LZ 4 51.958168 0.288984
CB11 3NA 1 51.953198 0.281427
CB11 3ND 1 52.022986 0.238535
CB11 3PE 4 51.983478 0.214441
CB11 3PF 4 51.983253 0.213993
CB11 3QY 4 51.984641 0.214779
CB11 3PG 3 51.981317 0.213654
CB11 3PJ 0 51.982644 0.212904
CB11 3PL 3 51.980078 0.214055
CB11 3PN 1 51.978368 0.21317
CB11 3PP 0 51.975903 0.212688
CB11 3PQ 1 51.981477 0.213254
CB11 3PR 0 51.978386 0.212665
CB11 3PS 0 51.978594 0.212613