all postcodes in CB22 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB22 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB22 5EH 65 5 52.148457 0.133532
CB22 5EJ 54 0 52.148602 0.132472
CB22 5EL 39 1 52.145877 0.131055
CB22 5EN 17 0 52.144202 0.129163
CB22 5EP 29 0 52.14109 0.123709
CB22 5EQ 1 1 52.150525 0.135546
CB22 5ER 40 0 52.140665 0.127357
CB22 5ES 66 1 52.140846 0.12228
CB22 5ET 6 0 52.140185 0.124558
CB22 5EU 10 0 52.135395 0.128889
CB22 5EW 26 4 52.141683 0.124249
CB22 5EX 9 0 52.127469 0.135597
CB22 5FY 1 1 52.147177 0.134201
CB22 5EY 23 2 52.147501 0.135708
CB22 5FD 4 0 52.144016 0.145377
CB22 5HA 3 0 52.147283 0.132321
CB22 5HE 4 0 52.143789 0.125182
CB22 5HF 6 0 52.145803 0.124153
CB22 5HG 28 3 52.143474 0.121148
CB22 5HH 14 0 52.142109 0.118599