all postcodes in CB22 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB22 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB22 3EG 5 5 52.109401 0.173128
CB22 3BQ 0 52.124419 0.171112
CB22 3WW 1 1 52.192267 0.137208
CB22 3FA 1 1 52.121633 0.168581
CB22 3FD 1 0 52.124146 0.169346
CB22 3UY 11 0 52.131419 0.212949
CB22 3FB 1 1 52.167811 0.161232
CB22 3FF 4 2 52.116441 0.213477
CB22 4FA 5 0 52.094766 0.158226
CB22 4LT 40 10 52.112396 0.148547
CB22 4AA 1 1 52.113135 0.149444
CB22 4LU 25 0 52.110291 0.147117
CB22 4LX 51 0 52.110255 0.143201
CB22 4LY 4 0 52.109157 0.140739
CB22 4LZ 10 0 52.110473 0.146016
CB22 4NA 8 0 52.111612 0.144201
CB22 4NB 12 0 52.108807 0.139218
CB22 4ND 20 1 52.112371 0.151905
CB22 4NE 29 3 52.113135 0.155534
CB22 4NG 44 0 52.114143 0.152385