all postcodes in CB23 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB23 4LY 22 1 52.259354 -0.027742
CB23 4LZ 4 0 52.262728 -0.026215
CB23 4NA 5 0 52.25834 -0.029999
CB23 4NB 9 0 52.259399 -0.026143
CB23 4ND 8 0 52.260514 -0.026093
CB23 4NE 11 0 52.259889 -0.026942
CB23 4NF 3 0 52.262525 -0.02215
CB23 4NG 5 0 52.265527 -0.023174
CB23 4NH 4 0 52.253022 -0.03192
CB23 4NJ 4 0 52.244953 -0.031149
CB23 4NN 1 1 52.252631 -0.031659
CB23 4NP 3 0 52.249636 -0.047848
CB23 4NQ 3 1 52.257398 -0.031756
CB23 4NR 25 0 52.246142 -0.047547
CB23 4NS 5 0 52.229565 -0.049958
CB23 4NT 2 0 52.222011 -0.047966
CB23 4NU 1 0 52.278204 -0.029724
CB23 4NW 2 0 52.248537 -0.046348
CB23 4WU 8 8 52.268927 -0.008821
CB23 4GG 4 4 52.238989 -0.052167