all postcodes in CB23 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB23 7BG 58 1 52.180412 0.059335
CB23 7BH 13 0 52.18072 0.056614
CB23 7BJ 4 0 52.181036 0.056058
CB23 7BL 12 0 52.181038 0.059496
CB23 7BN 1 1 52.186329 0.039669
CB23 7BP 15 1 52.187553 0.021292
CB23 7BQ 26 0 52.180607 0.061055
CB23 7BS 20 0 52.187703 0.025673
CB23 7BT 39 0 52.188037 0.028204
CB23 7BU 19 0 52.187465 0.037071
CB23 7BZ 16 0 52.187749 0.019852
CB23 7DA 27 0 52.187038 0.025116
CB23 7DB 57 0 52.189808 0.025066
CB23 7DD 69 1 52.189748 0.02698
CB23 7DE 14 0 52.189679 0.027884
CB23 7DF 57 0 52.191248 0.026565
CB23 7DG 32 1 52.190821 0.029457
CB23 7DH 1 0 52.195801 0.022966
CB23 7DJ 29 0 52.191879 0.028057
CB23 7DL 41 0 52.192962 0.027799