all postcodes in CB23 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB23 1JS 12 0 52.149396 0.054848
CB23 1JT 2 1 52.149105 0.055769
CB23 1JU 46 0 52.148579 0.057866
CB23 1JW 30 2 52.149905 0.053527
CB23 1JX 10 0 52.148356 0.061393
CB23 1JZ 12 10 52.143957 0.062226
CB23 1LB 5 0 52.147703 0.058088
CB23 1LD 6 0 52.151909 0.050476
CB23 1LE 14 0 52.149307 0.053952
CB23 1LF 38 0 52.148485 0.056049
CB23 1LG 7 0 52.148694 0.054918
CB23 1LH 6 0 52.154501 0.049309
CB23 1LL 46 1 52.155373 0.049832
CB23 1LN 1 0 52.160848 0.045447
CB23 1LP 53 0 52.152651 0.052309
CB23 1LQ 8 0 52.149284 0.048368
CB23 1LR 19 0 52.151789 0.057356
CB23 1LS 26 0 52.151702 0.056197
CB23 1LT 24 2 52.150461 0.056695
CB23 1LU 31 0 52.151994 0.060041