all postcodes in CB3 / CAMBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB3 9BS 1 1 52.204917 0.107565
CB3 9DA 14 6 52.200822 0.110795
CB3 9DB 1 1 52.201116 0.108453
CB3 9DD 1 1 52.200999 0.108462
CB3 9DF 383 383 52.20018 0.109212
CB3 9DG 2 0 52.20188 0.105707
CB3 9DH 47 21 52.203277 0.106022
CB3 9DJ 2 1 52.205333 0.10669
CB3 9DL 3 0 52.20387 0.107793
CB3 9DN 1 1 52.203743 0.106851
CB3 9DP 12 3 52.202331 0.107867
CB3 9DQ 1 1 52.200978 0.105608
CB3 9DR 1 1 52.205061 0.107542
CB3 9DS 1 1 52.202601 0.1106
CB3 9DU 8 3 52.197878 0.105226
CB3 9DW 1 0 52.203772 0.10975
CB3 9DY 24 0 52.196026 0.104437
CB3 9DZ 1 1 52.201759 0.109684
CB3 9EA 40 0 52.195639 0.102458
CB3 9EB 27 0 52.195927 0.102428