all postcodes in CB5 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB5 8LN 1 52.212845 0.154021
CB5 8LP 2 52.212229 0.159217
CB5 8LR 0 52.212073 0.159356
CB5 8LS 0 52.211921 0.159802
CB5 8LT 0 52.211975 0.157843
CB5 8LU 0 52.209221 0.156992
CB5 8LW 0 52.213475 0.147567
CB5 8LX 0 52.210376 0.156302
CB5 8LY 0 52.207787 0.15824
CB5 8LZ 0 52.211956 0.156422
CB5 8NA 0 52.211185 0.159018
CB5 8NB 0 52.211347 0.157286
CB5 8ND 3 52.208067 0.160887
CB5 8NE 0 52.208603 0.159319
CB5 8NF 1 52.208907 0.158924
CB5 8NG 0 52.20965 0.159121
CB5 8NH 0 52.210102 0.15847
CB5 8NJ 0 52.210805 0.158372
CB5 8NL 0 52.210167 0.160332
CB5 8NN 0 52.211252 0.161511