all postcodes in CB7 / ELY

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB7 4DS 1 0 52.399199 0.264296
CB7 4DT 5 5 52.39189 0.263275
CB7 4DW 1 1 52.397912 0.262922
CB7 4DX 1 1 52.395453 0.259856
CB7 4DY 2 1 52.390643 0.268658
CB7 4EA 13 11 52.389802 0.261464
CB7 4EB 9 0 52.397584 0.272048
CB7 4ED 59 0 52.399411 0.271495
CB7 4EE 1 1 52.40089 0.263751
CB7 4EF 25 0 52.40017 0.27271
CB7 4EG 14 9 52.400159 0.262523
CB7 4EH 1 1 52.38975 0.262798
CB7 4EJ 1 1 52.39975 0.262737
CB7 4EL 2 2 52.399372 0.262696
CB7 4EN 1 1 52.399588 0.262258
CB7 4EP 2 0 52.399569 0.261765
CB7 4EQ 10 0 52.397388 0.254605
CB7 4ER 13 5 52.399698 0.261205
CB7 4ES 34 10 52.399989 0.261058
CB7 4EW 4 1 52.399305 0.261958