all postcodes in CB7 / ELY

find any address or company within the CB7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB7 5NR 26 0 52.310599 0.400857
CB7 5NS 19 0 52.311283 0.408879
CB7 5NT 12 4 52.314954 0.421492
CB7 5NU 4 0 52.31134 0.411376
CB7 5NW 46 0 52.31132 0.406196
CB7 5NX 32 0 52.31046 0.408218
CB7 5NY 61 0 52.310509 0.410686
CB7 5NZ 31 0 52.310203 0.406708
CB7 5PA 9 0 52.309246 0.394523
CB7 5PB 56 0 52.308051 0.393139
CB7 5PD 2 0 52.307879 0.395326
CB7 5PE 12 0 52.306951 0.393285
CB7 5PF 12 0 52.306665 0.38966
CB7 5PG 7 0 52.311475 0.396771
CB7 5PH 9 0 52.30658 0.386296
CB7 5PJ 40 0 52.309595 0.3924
CB7 5PN 24 0 52.303691 0.436602
CB7 5PP 32 0 52.300869 0.43828
CB7 5PR 42 1 52.302688 0.43508
CB7 5PS 3 0 52.300033 0.44042