all postcodes in CB7 / ELY

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB7 4BL 47 0 52.394417 0.26655
CB7 4BN 35 4 52.39373 0.267176
CB7 4BP 1 1 52.39278 0.267466
CB7 4BQ 9 0 52.394607 0.265516
CB7 4BS 26 5 52.39312 0.265234
CB7 4BU 12 1 52.393841 0.265624
CB7 4BW 4 2 52.392927 0.266415
CB7 4BX 25 0 52.393483 0.263651
CB7 4BY 38 0 52.393633 0.262409
CB7 4BZ 38 0 52.394653 0.263108
CB7 4DA 17 0 52.394806 0.263572
CB7 4DB 6 1 52.395945 0.260455
CB7 4DE 12 3 52.396394 0.259457
CB7 4DF 6 0 52.396325 0.261268
CB7 4DG 3 0 52.3956 0.261569
CB7 4DH 5 0 52.397668 0.262028
CB7 4DJ 1 1 52.391127 0.265059
CB7 4DL 11 1 52.397902 0.263921
CB7 4DN 1 0 52.397902 0.263921
CB7 4DR 5 0 52.396435 0.2607