all postcodes in CB8 / NEWMARKET

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB8 7BJ 57 0 52.263953 0.394016
CB8 7BN 24 0 52.265014 0.394847
CB8 7BP 3 3 52.24587 0.409904
CB8 7BQ 21 0 52.266233 0.393697
CB8 7BS 5 1 52.248849 0.409712
CB8 7BT 37 4 52.252665 0.421056
CB8 7BU 26 0 52.251051 0.418199
CB8 7BW 71 0 52.265038 0.395526
CB8 7BX 14 3 52.25136 0.41407
CB8 7BY 29 4 52.254866 0.421132
CB8 7BZ 4 0 52.255902 0.419299
CB8 7DD 6 0 52.256729 0.425029
CB8 7DE 2 0 52.257066 0.425587
CB8 7DF 2 0 52.255893 0.417025
CB8 7DJ 16 2 52.25802 0.40983
CB8 7DG 2 0 52.254707 0.416535
CB8 7DH 7 0 52.257533 0.415196
CB8 7DL 9 0 52.257362 0.408593
CB8 7DN 3 0 52.256082 0.408333
CB8 7DP 18 0 52.253093 0.407629