all postcodes in CB9 / HAVERHILL

find any address or company within the CB9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB9 0NU 5 0 52.079315 0.465007
CB9 0NW 14 0 52.076542 0.461279
CB9 0PA 36 0 52.081172 0.455739
CB9 0PB 17 0 52.080843 0.456407
CB9 0PH 17 0 52.08051 0.454302
CB9 0PJ 30 0 52.079843 0.454791
CB9 0PL 16 0 52.075242 0.452933
CB9 0BL 8 0 52.080771 0.450828
CB9 0PR 27 0 52.083248 0.457094
CB9 0PQ 31 0 52.083517 0.4567
CB9 0PU 18 0 52.082807 0.456238
CB9 0BB 3 3 52.082073 0.442872
CB9 0BQ 1 1 52.08503 0.438858
CB9 0BW 3 3 52.086133 0.450684
CB9 0BF 9 0 52.076154 0.454004
CB9 0BS 0 52.086266 0.436911
CB9 0BT 21 0 52.075886 0.453494
CB9 0ET 1 52.079186 0.448756
CB9 0BU 3 0 52.077741 0.448356