all postcodes in CB9 / HAVERHILL

find any address or company within the CB9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB9 7DS 23 0 52.041594 0.441567
CB9 7DT 5 0 52.041448 0.442944
CB9 7DU 8 1 52.041001 0.440222
CB9 7DX 6 0 52.042881 0.445837
CB9 7DY 11 0 52.034954 0.433477
CB9 7DZ 3 0 52.029894 0.433742
CB9 7EA 11 1 52.041875 0.449793
CB9 7EB 2 0 52.037179 0.455062
CB9 7ED 63 1 52.039986 0.447079
CB9 7EE 27 0 52.040317 0.448934
CB9 7EF 17 0 52.04116 0.44901
CB9 7EG 1 0 52.037864 0.44708
CB9 7EH 1 0 52.028122 0.445906
CB9 7EJ 7 0 52.032569 0.46468
CB9 7EL 1 0 52.025331 0.449967
CB9 7EN 7 0 52.040783 0.446816
CB9 7EP 5 0 52.039877 0.443661
CB9 7EQ 3 0 52.033646 0.449692
CB9 7ER 16 0 52.040499 0.443184
CB9 7ES 10 0 52.040225 0.442951