all postcodes in CF10 / CARDIFF

find any address or company within the CF10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF10 3LN 1 1 51.483606 -3.175522
CF10 3NB 2 2 51.48788 -3.18424
CF10 3WD 1 1 51.465736 -3.193634
CF10 3NL 1 1 51.484547 -3.18027
CF10 3NN 1 1 51.485134 -3.180948
CF10 3NP 1 1 51.48563 -3.177216
CF10 3NQ 1 1 51.488373 -3.182573
CF10 3NS 1 1 51.485538 -3.181031
CF10 3PG 1 1 51.484547 -3.18027
CF10 3PL 1 1 51.482965 -3.177522
CF10 3PW 1 1 51.483574 -3.177811
CF10 3QN 1 1 51.488406 -3.177461
CF10 3RB 3 3 51.482242 -3.181516
CF10 3RJ 1 1 51.484844 -3.172227
CF10 3RL 1 1 51.486518 -3.176534
CF10 3RS 1 1 51.483364 -3.17458
CF10 3SE 1 1 51.485829 -3.175306
CF10 3SG 1 1 51.484303 -3.173265
CF10 3SX 1 1 51.483367 -3.173327
CF10 3TA 1 1 51.465736 -3.193634