all postcodes in CF10 / CARDIFF

find any address or company within the CF10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF10 4NR 59 0 51.464914 -3.156255
CF10 4NS 61 0 51.46608 -3.157537
CF10 4PA 4 4 51.461812 -3.160798
CF10 4PB 1 1 51.46505 -3.16075
CF10 4PH 5 5 51.464906 -3.160799
CF10 4PZ 1 1 51.463576 -3.163419
CF10 4QH 1 1 51.465755 -3.164886
CF10 4QP 1 1 51.465488 -3.160042
CF10 4QQ 1 1 51.466771 -3.158606
CF10 4RP 11 10 51.457513 -3.151874
CF10 4RT 1 1 51.476428 -3.167706
CF10 4RU 11 11 51.465154 -3.159313
CF10 4SF 1 1 51.478892 -3.163161
CF10 4SP 33 27 51.46882 -3.139533
CF10 4TR 6 6 51.467447 -3.141932
CF10 4TS 1 1 51.466684 -3.14176
CF10 4TT 1 1 51.477668 -3.166802
CF10 4UP 1 1 51.475926 -3.170256
CF10 4US 4 4 51.467522 -3.143393
CF10 4UU 1 1 51.467522 -3.143393