all postcodes in CF11 / CARDIFF

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF11 8PL 1 1 51.478388 -3.215449
CF11 8PN 1 1 51.480353 -3.216697
CF11 8PW 1 1 51.470315 -3.208281
CF11 8QF 7 4 51.458589 -3.19696
CF11 8QY 1 1 51.460311 -3.1983
CF11 8RR 19 17 51.455749 -3.201241
CF11 8SE 1 1 51.470672 -3.198039
CF11 8TA 1 1 51.465736 -3.193634
CF11 8TB 1 1 51.47271 -3.19838
CF11 8TE 13 0 51.471488 -3.191236
CF11 8TF 23 1 51.470407 -3.194044
CF11 8TJ 3 3 51.464114 -3.201907
CF11 8TL 4 4 51.464752 -3.20013
CF11 8TN 4 4 51.459979 -3.19915
CF11 8TQ 4 3 51.453999 -3.195616
CF11 8TS 10 10 51.460142 -3.194553
CF11 8TT 22 18 51.4605 -3.195666
CF11 8TU 10 9 51.459978 -3.197485
CF11 8TW 6 4 51.45352 -3.196697
CF11 8TX 10 6 51.459116 -3.20002