all postcodes in CF11 / CARDIFF

find any address or company within the CF11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF11 6LY 11 0 51.480556 -3.186389
CF11 6NA 1 1 51.470047 -3.188837
CF11 6NB 7 0 51.479344 -3.186227
CF11 6NF 20 0 51.472109 -3.183146
CF11 6NG 11 2 51.471907 -3.183616
CF11 6NH 42 1 51.471093 -3.184991
CF11 6NJ 28 13 51.469529 -3.187594
CF11 6NL 35 2 51.468816 -3.188747
CF11 6NN 5 1 51.467882 -3.190408
CF11 6NP 12 1 51.4689 -3.189311
CF11 6NQ 14 0 51.469544 -3.189645
CF11 6NR 13 2 51.470362 -3.189623
CF11 6NS 26 0 51.47118 -3.190594
CF11 6NT 8 0 51.468879 -3.18957
CF11 6NU 9 0 51.469272 -3.18981
CF11 6NW 10 0 51.469648 -3.190022
CF11 6NX 45 0 51.469427 -3.188792
CF11 6NY 1 1 51.477631 -3.199906
CF11 6PA 23 1 51.470258 -3.187475
CF11 6PB 32 0 51.470582 -3.187469