all postcodes in CF11 / CARDIFF

find any address or company within the CF11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF11 1YB 1 1 51.469897 -3.163451
CF11 1UH 1 1 51.465736 -3.193643
CF11 1UJ 1 0 51.465736 -3.193643
CF11 1UL 1 51.465736 -3.193643
CF11 1UP 1 51.465736 -3.193643
CF11 1UQ 1 51.465736 -3.193643
CF11 1UR 0 51.465736 -3.193643
CF11 1US 1 0 51.465736 -3.193643
CF11 1UT 1 1 51.465736 -3.193643
CF11 1UU 1 1 51.465736 -3.193643
CF11 1UW 1 1 51.465736 -3.193643
CF11 1UX 1 1 51.465736 -3.193643
CF11 1UY 1 1 51.465736 -3.193643
CF11 6AA 19 1 51.476549 -3.187854
CF11 6AB 40 0 51.476101 -3.184099
CF11 6AD 53 8 51.476461 -3.186772
CF11 6AE 30 2 51.476657 -3.188692
CF11 6AF 19 8 51.476484 -3.184497
CF11 6AG 73 1 51.478914 -3.186922
CF11 6AH 28 4 51.476668 -3.185812