all postcodes in CF23 / CARDIFF

find any address or company within the CF23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF23 9PJ 22 0 51.513363 -3.147063
CF23 9PL 63 13 51.513226 -3.152905
CF23 9PN 14 4 51.512597 -3.151895
CF23 9PP 55 0 51.515937 -3.15233
CF23 9PQ 32 0 51.51615 -3.153503
CF23 9PR 31 0 51.516728 -3.15235
CF23 9PS 35 0 51.517663 -3.152388
CF23 9PT 16 0 51.51695 -3.153581
CF23 9PU 0 51.517522 -3.153884
CF23 9PW 1 51.517629 -3.154895
CF23 9PX 0 51.518327 -3.155287
CF23 9PY 0 51.518301 -3.153327
CF23 9PZ 1 51.507805 -3.148062
CF23 9QA 0 51.508125 -3.1549
CF23 9QB 0 51.507738 -3.155884
CF23 9UE 1 51.498232 -3.142217
CF23 9UL 1 51.516301 -3.151028
CF23 9UP 0 51.517497 -3.147296
CF23 9UT 0 51.516652 -3.146338
CF23 9UU 0 51.516837 -3.146703