all postcodes in CF24 / CARDIFF

find any address or company within the CF24 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF24 1DG 32 5 51.487601 -3.158961
CF24 1DH 44 1 51.48831 -3.158244
CF24 1DJ 44 8 51.489271 -3.157419
CF24 1DL 61 2 51.49106 -3.155592
CF24 1DN 43 0 51.490986 -3.153098
CF24 1DP 16 0 51.491125 -3.154556
CF24 1DQ 19 1 51.487619 -3.158126
CF24 1DR 28 0 51.488375 -3.157123
CF24 1DS 37 1 51.489274 -3.156238
CF24 1DT 57 1 51.490326 -3.155256
CF24 1DU 45 1 51.489126 -3.15573
CF24 1DW 24 2 51.490052 -3.154898
CF24 1DX 8 0 51.491178 -3.155537
CF24 1GG 1 1 51.492399 -3.147502
CF24 1HA 2 2 51.484574 -3.154198
CF24 1HB 16 0 51.484444 -3.155453
CF24 1HD 13 0 51.484202 -3.155318
CF24 1HE 11 1 51.483978 -3.155269
CF24 1JN 1 1 51.490616 -3.151513
CF24 1LE 8 6 51.486649 -3.159824