all postcodes in CF33 / BRIDGEND

find any address or company within the CF33 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF33 4HL 14 0 51.521866 -3.695631
CF33 4HN 8 0 51.52048 -3.698808
CF33 4HQ 5 0 51.520024 -3.701746
CF33 4HR 39 0 51.52092 -3.700136
CF33 4HS 19 3 51.52019 -3.702689
CF33 4HT 15 2 51.519493 -3.701755
CF33 4HU 17 0 51.51905 -3.702531
CF33 4HW 9 0 51.520254 -3.700111
CF33 4HY 3 1 51.519358 -3.70377
CF33 4LA 24 0 51.52155 -3.697551
CF33 4LB 24 2 51.520931 -3.704951
CF33 4LD 1 1 51.520541 -3.705152
CF33 4LE 29 0 51.520715 -3.706197
CF33 4LF 6 0 51.521096 -3.707295
CF33 4LG 2 0 51.522393 -3.707213
CF33 4LH 33 1 51.523096 -3.707569
CF33 4LL 31 0 51.522925 -3.704463
CF33 4LN 24 1 51.521815 -3.705935
CF33 4LP 40 0 51.521255 -3.70799
CF33 4LR 8 0 51.520745 -3.707178