all postcodes in CF34 / MAESTEG

find any address or company within the CF34 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF34 9DR 24 0 51.60263 -3.649485
CF34 9DS 34 10 51.609791 -3.661775
CF34 9DT 1 1 51.610065 -3.661453
CF34 9DU 30 0 51.609765 -3.662337
CF34 9DX 35 0 51.606055 -3.649999
CF34 9DY 7 0 51.609872 -3.66302
CF34 9EA 30 0 51.609271 -3.662911
CF34 9EB 13 1 51.608952 -3.663838
CF34 9ED 32 0 51.608897 -3.662652
CF34 9EE 42 5 51.608442 -3.661754
CF34 9EF 11 1 51.608006 -3.661464
CF34 9EG 35 0 51.606995 -3.663608
CF34 9EH 20 0 51.605915 -3.661171
CF34 9EJ 12 0 51.605467 -3.650412
CF34 9EL 24 0 51.606007 -3.659759
CF34 9EN 18 0 51.606447 -3.660411
CF34 9ER 13 0 51.609926 -3.663657
CF34 9ES 22 0 51.604732 -3.648131
CF34 9ET 69 2 51.603618 -3.648048
CF34 9EU 64 1 51.601515 -3.647336