all postcodes in CF37 / PONTYPRIDD

find any address or company within the CF37 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF37 1NN 6 0 51.597453 -3.335832
CF37 1NP 6 0 51.596563 -3.332843
CF37 1NQ 7 0 51.59752 -3.341854
CF37 1NR 67 0 51.596031 -3.331199
CF37 1NS 19 0 51.59602 -3.332423
CF37 1NT 6 0 51.597465 -3.342705
CF37 1NU 12 0 51.590993 -3.330662
CF37 1NW 39 0 51.597452 -3.334402
CF37 1NY 24 22 51.59576 -3.349624
CF37 1PB 1 1 51.596475 -3.349028
CF37 1PF 3 0 51.59279 -3.349655
CF37 1PG 3 0 51.592112 -3.349187
CF37 1PJ 1 0 51.589585 -3.354869
CF37 1PL 16 3 51.582306 -3.35428
CF37 1PN 6 0 51.597583 -3.333165
CF37 1PP 8 0 51.586029 -3.348069
CF37 1PQ 3 0 51.591976 -3.349284
CF37 1PR 5 0 51.576739 -3.34134
CF37 1PS 8 1 51.587523 -3.342411
CF37 1PU 29 0 51.570892 -3.357906