all postcodes in CF41 / PENTRE

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF41 7RH 37 3 51.644683 -3.464348
CF41 7RJ 25 0 51.645875 -3.46469
CF41 7RL 24 0 51.645289 -3.464787
CF41 7RN 10 0 51.645367 -3.464327
CF41 7RP 2 0 51.644702 -3.463116
CF41 7RQ 46 8 51.644485 -3.464399
CF41 7RR 9 0 51.644951 -3.462391
CF41 7RS 9 0 51.645414 -3.462001
CF41 7RT 25 0 51.645537 -3.463667
CF41 7RU 5 0 51.647031 -3.463571
CF41 7RW 16 0 51.644809 -3.463687
CF41 7RX 31 2 51.646212 -3.467953
CF41 7RY 15 0 51.645782 -3.467144
CF41 7RZ 1 0 51.644981 -3.467205
CF41 7SA 7 0 51.645107 -3.464983
CF41 7SB 39 0 51.645224 -3.466403
CF41 7SD 28 0 51.642718 -3.457579
CF41 7SE 29 0 51.642534 -3.457847
CF41 7SF 35 1 51.643683 -3.460226
CF41 7SG 28 2 51.643534 -3.460611