all postcodes in CF42 / TREORCHY

find any address or company within the CF42 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF42 6SF 2 0 51.663143 -3.503878
CF42 6SG 16 0 51.661701 -3.50658
CF42 6SH 22 0 51.662019 -3.507068
CF42 6SL 9 0 51.662307 -3.50702
CF42 6SN 71 0 51.662643 -3.508867
CF42 6SP 11 0 51.663407 -3.508864
CF42 6SR 3 0 51.66392 -3.50956
CF42 6SS 20 0 51.663479 -3.50823
CF42 6ST 7 0 51.6626 -3.506625
CF42 6SU 10 0 51.663381 -3.505335
CF42 6SW 12 0 51.663088 -3.508141
CF42 6SY 25 0 51.663908 -3.50768
CF42 6TA 14 0 51.664028 -3.50673
CF42 6TB 27 1 51.664137 -3.510189
CF42 6TD 11 0 51.663337 -3.510177
CF42 6TE 1 1 51.664233 -3.513186
CF42 6TF 2 0 51.675695 -3.513044
CF42 6TG 4 0 51.662773 -3.51065
CF42 6TH 31 0 51.663849 -3.51116
CF42 6TJ 14 0 51.664382 -3.510704