all postcodes in CF44 / ABERDARE

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF44 9BD 32 0 51.730913 -3.476025
CF44 9BE 16 0 51.730793 -3.476991
CF44 9BG 38 0 51.733045 -3.477427
CF44 9BH 22 0 51.732714 -3.477966
CF44 9BJ 27 0 51.740953 -3.561169
CF44 9BL 14 0 51.73277 -3.479213
CF44 9BN 36 0 51.73134 -3.477791
CF44 9BX 36 0 51.73968 -3.560242
CF44 9DA 2 0 51.729036 -3.482606
CF44 9DE 3 3 51.730141 -3.483081
CF44 9DG 23 0 51.731555 -3.4843
CF44 9DH 10 0 51.731775 -3.486841
CF44 9DJ 25 0 51.73889 -3.56146
CF44 9DL 16 0 51.732451 -3.485951
CF44 9DN 23 0 51.731838 -3.48399
CF44 9DP 5 0 51.731674 -3.481972
CF44 9DR 15 1 51.731642 -3.481016
CF44 9DS 28 0 51.732386 -3.483313
CF44 9DT 2 0 51.732751 -3.485005
CF44 9DU 18 0 51.732599 -3.482814