all postcodes in CF5 / CARDIFF

find any address or company within the CF5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF5 1NH 25 0 51.481956 -3.211281
CF5 1NJ 35 0 51.481213 -3.210945
CF5 1NR 3 0 51.480661 -3.201722
CF5 1NS 31 0 51.480866 -3.203634
CF5 1NT 29 0 51.479578 -3.20386
CF5 1NU 28 0 51.479736 -3.204224
CF5 1NW 36 0 51.481041 -3.20325
CF5 1NX 43 1 51.48042 -3.202413
CF5 1NY 23 0 51.48118 -3.201943
CF5 1NZ 21 1 51.480459 -3.201262
CF5 1PA 11 0 51.479834 -3.201663
CF5 1PB 10 0 51.480319 -3.20349
CF5 1PD 25 0 51.479434 -3.202992
CF5 1PE 31 0 51.479474 -3.203454
CF5 1PF 36 1 51.479483 -3.201711
CF5 1PG 21 0 51.479087 -3.202608
CF5 1PH 9 0 51.478496 -3.203241
CF5 1PJ 11 1 51.478669 -3.203937
CF5 1PL 23 0 51.478803 -3.20227
CF5 1PN 26 0 51.478231 -3.203695