all postcodes in CF5 / CARDIFF

find any address or company within the CF5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF5 5NF 38 0 51.471486 -3.241657
CF5 5NG 40 0 51.470995 -3.24389
CF5 5NH 20 0 51.470248 -3.245684
CF5 5NJ 25 19 51.472923 -3.236786
CF5 5NL 16 0 51.471399 -3.244822
CF5 5NN 8 0 51.470964 -3.24684
CF5 5NR 39 0 51.479732 -3.235689
CF5 5NS 24 0 51.478416 -3.237684
CF5 5NT 26 0 51.478912 -3.236747
CF5 5NU 2 2 51.479865 -3.237646
CF5 5NW 60 0 51.478027 -3.238796
CF5 5NX 15 0 51.473623 -3.239469
CF5 5NY 38 0 51.475392 -3.235356
CF5 5NZ 24 0 51.474781 -3.237096
CF5 5PA 29 0 51.473905 -3.238267
CF5 5PB 39 0 51.47489 -3.235212
CF5 5PD 16 0 51.475558 -3.234122
CF5 5PE 22 0 51.474101 -3.235076
CF5 5PF 22 0 51.47363 -3.237885
CF5 5PG 36 0 51.472892 -3.242271