all postcodes in CF5 / CARDIFF

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF5 2NR 23 1 51.495308 -3.230377
CF5 2NS 26 0 51.494862 -3.230048
CF5 2NZ 20 0 51.499784 -3.233177
CF5 2PA 21 0 51.498881 -3.237777
CF5 2PB 3 0 51.501921 -3.231765
CF5 2PD 32 0 51.498652 -3.235581
CF5 2PE 26 0 51.507995 -3.243197
CF5 2PF 12 0 51.507927 -3.241985
CF5 2PG 27 0 51.499579 -3.232091
CF5 2PH 17 0 51.498306 -3.236883
CF5 2PJ 15 0 51.499389 -3.237301
CF5 2PN 29 0 51.497788 -3.233973
CF5 2PP 25 0 51.500399 -3.243884
CF5 2PQ 71 0 51.499789 -3.23953
CF5 2PR 24 0 51.500607 -3.241166
CF5 2PS 15 0 51.500324 -3.239891
CF5 2PT 16 1 51.497132 -3.223612
CF5 2PU 27 0 51.497997 -3.232077
CF5 2PW 5 1 51.501391 -3.241908
CF5 2PX 31 0 51.498355 -3.231366