all postcodes in CF63 / BARRY

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF63 2NU 36 0 51.41312 -3.239068
CF63 2NW 29 3 51.412275 -3.239002
CF63 2NX 12 0 51.411789 -3.242397
CF63 2NY 12 0 51.411474 -3.243352
CF63 2NZ 17 0 51.411359 -3.243967
CF63 2PA 16 0 51.411576 -3.244706
CF63 2PB 21 0 51.411639 -3.245528
CF63 2PD 78 0 51.415906 -3.249339
CF63 2PE 1 1 51.414386 -3.239174
CF63 2PG 56 0 51.417183 -3.24168
CF63 2PJ 44 0 51.417648 -3.240241
CF63 2PL 49 0 51.418196 -3.239479
CF63 2PN 48 0 51.417139 -3.237379
CF63 2PQ 8 7 51.411145 -3.246391
CF63 2QN 20 0 51.413495 -3.246096
CF63 2QP 27 0 51.412969 -3.246484
CF63 2QQ 20 0 51.412063 -3.247984
CF63 2QW 8 8 51.410858 -3.248799
CF63 2QX 38 0 51.411752 -3.247587
CF63 2QY 34 1 51.412217 -3.244479